Recipes & Tips
Cooking the perfect Christmas Ham
Festive Roast Turkey
When to know a roast beef joint is ready.
To check if your roast beef joint is cooked and tender, push a knife deep into the centre of the joint. If the knife slides in and out easily, the meat is ready and tender.
Resting Meat
Cooking meat at room temperature
We all know that meat should be stored in the fridge below 4 degrees Celsius? If you don't, it does, it's basic food hygiene and absolutely essential to keeping meat fresh.
What we aren't so good at though is bringing meat out of the refrigerator in enough time to bring it to room temperature.
Recipe - Easy Beef Stroganoff
A simple straight forward meal, which is perfect as a midweek dinner because it involves minimal prep-time. You can use Mince beef instead of stir fry strips if you prefer, and the brandy is not essential, but does add a luxurious twist.